It is my pleasure to welcome you to Liverpool Progressive School. Our school is extremely successful in helping pupils, many of whom have had very negative experiences of education, understand and manage their own behaviours
by promoting, throughout the school, a highly positive culture. We aim to provide the highest quality education which, with appropriate levels of support, enables personal achievement for all pupils.
Through our EPIC values of 'Excellence, Passion, Integrity, and Caring' we aim to enable the social, moral, spiritual and cultural development of all our students. We ensure that we set aspirational end points for each and every student, based on their individual starting points and their individual needs. Each curriculum area is planned with explicit, sequential building blocks of knowledge and skills that students will need to reach their ambitious potentials. We strive for excellence in the way we enhance curriculums with enriching activities based on individual students' interests and talents, so that they will be better prepared with skills for life and enabled to move forwards to a positive destination.
Liverpool Progressive School has a smaller student capacity, which enables us to offer a high-quality, bespoke and person-centred education; inextricably linked to Education, Health and Care (EHCP) Plans. Our curriculums are designed to identify and support every student with their own individual, personalised and targeted learning plan in which evidence can be linked to, and supported by, our assessments and planning of their next steps. Our experiential engagement curriculum is sought from the EQUALs framework to support our planning, guaranteeing achievements from across all areas of student learning can be recognised and celebrated. Evidence of learning and progress is captured through our Evidence for Learning platform, which enables parents and carers to not only follow real time progress remotely but also offers them to opportunity to upload evidence of learning and development to support us in the promotion and recognition of knowledge and skills demonstrated by our students; over time.
Our academic engagement curriculums are sourced from a variety of frameworks, suitably explored and chosen to ensure best fit for students accessing formal qualifications in English, Maths, Science and other areas of student choice (e.g. art and design, physical education, business, food technology, and humanities). Overall, there is a focus on promoting and sustaining skills for life, including communication and independence in preparation for adulthood and increased student-led opportunities; following personal interest. Fundamental to this are the successful relationships found between our staff and students in helping students to feel understood, specifically for them to succeed.
Liverpool Progressive School is life-changing for our students. Whilst all our students face their own significant challenges with learning, Liverpool Progressive School provides an inspirational learning environment for all to thrive. Our pathways are not defined by age, but stage of development with movement between pathways facilitated, ensuring the curriculum is flexible and responsive to the needs of all students. Liverpool Progressive School provides an ambitious, knowledge and skill powerful curriculum. The personal development of all our students, is a key focus at Liverpool Progressive School, relentlessly preparing all for life beyond the school; to keep themselves physically and mentally healthy as well as making positive choices.
Developing communication skills, promoting wellbeing and developing a sense of independence are a primary focus for all student's and staff at Liverpool Progressive School. Our highly motivated and passionate staff are able to work closely with a range of different health and social care professionals to ensure every student has a personalised learning journey to suitably meet their individual sensory, social, emotional, mental health, and special educational learning needs.
Liverpool Progressive School’s First Aid Policy is available to parents on request or via the school office
You can read our Curriculum Policy here.
‘Students spend their days in Liverpool Progressive School happy, secure and successful’ OFSTED