Welcome to Park House School

Jennie Allport

Welcome from the Head Teacher

Welcome to Park House School, a small registered, independent education provision in Barnsley for pupils with Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs. We believe that every pupil has the right to the appropriate and relevant educational provision that allows them to achieve their full potential.

Our intention is to replace a downward spiral of educational failure with a cycle of achievement, building on and reinforcing self-esteem.


The pupils at Park House have had negative educational and social experiences prior to arriving, and as such will present challenging behaviours.

It is our aim to provide a quality education for even the most challenging pupils.

What sets us apart from other schools

We are committed to each and every one of our pupils, providing specialist support tailored to each individual’s unique needs and helping all pupils achieve their full potential. We currently offer the opportunity for all pupils who are working at that level to achieve nationally recognised accreditation in English, Maths, Science, Computing, Citizenship, MFL, Music, Humanities, PE, RE, PHSE, Art/Design Technology, Food Technology, ASDAN and Functional Skills. This runs alongside our own internal accreditation for academic progress and achievement.

In order to meet the diverse needs of the children at Park House School we ensure that the staff to pupil ratio is very high. The school is registered for 24 pupils and at present there is a Head Teacher, Deputy Head, Teachers, Pastoral Lead, Educational Support Workers and a School Administrator.


Park House provides education for pupils aged 7-17 years old with Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs (SEMH) who need a smaller, more specialised intervention than can be provided in a mainstream school.

Areas of expertise

Pupils arrive at Park House School with a history of disrupted schooling. The school seeks to re-establish the concept of learning as a positive and enjoyable experience and ensure each pupil reaches their true potential. Pupils are actively engaged as partners, conveying a sense of mutuality about their work. The treatment of both pupils and staff exemplifies good equal opportunities practice.

The Curriculum provided is broad based to ensure that each pupil takes part in the full National Curriculum, which is differentiated to meet individual needs. We aim to introduce pupils to a wide range of knowledge, skills and experience. The Curriculum emphasises the need to acquire basic skills in literacy and numeracy and Maths and English Schemes of work are carefully planned to ensure full coverage of the National Curriculum at a level appropriate to the pupil’s ability.


Park House School’s First Aid Policy is available to parents on request or via the school office. The following policies and procedures can be viewed at school or sent out electronically or by post on request. .

• Accessibility Policy • Admission Policy and Procedure • Appeals Policy • Assessment, Recording, Reporting and Marking Policy • Attendance Policy • Careers and Guidance Policy • Complaints Policy • Counter Bullying Policy • Curriculum Policy • Online Safety Policy • Examinations Policy • Equal Opportunity Policy • Exclusion Policy • Fair Assessment Policy • Hand Writing Policy • Malpractice Policy • Observation of Teaching Policy • Education Quality & Governance Policy - • Presentation of Student Work Policy • Positive Handling and Physical Intervention Policy • Pupil Premium Policy - • Special Education Needs Policy • Education • Complaints Policy • Sex and HEalth Education Policy • Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Policy • Spelling Policy • Staffing and Support Levels Policy • Positive Behaviour Policy • Educational Visits Policy • First Aid in Schools • Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions Policy • Intimate Care Policy • Powers to search, screen and confiscate Policy • Missing and Absconding Policy • Safeguarding Policy • RSHE Policy

"It’s one of the happiest places he’s been in and the staff genuinely want him to succeed, it’s clear how much they care" FOSTER CARER

"I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for the hard work you put into T, seeing him today interacting with all the staff and pupils makes me feel extremely proud of the lovely young man he is becoming and know he is at the right school to continue on his journey into adulthood " PARENT