It is my pleasure to welcome you to South Park Enterprise College. The college, located in Scunthorpe, provides an alternative education programme for those pupils who are at risk of exclusion due to their challenging behaviour, and for those who have an Educational Health Care Plan and require more specialised interventions than can be provided in a mainstream school.
We aim to ensure that the young people who attend the college are given a holistic education that will provide them with learning opportunities, which target their specific individual education needs.
South Park Enterprise College is a registered independent education provision offering a detailed curriculum providing a seamless approach to education that allows consistency, continuity, structure and boundaries.
The school curriculum offers a broad and balanced education adjusted to meet the needs of pupils with a wide range of abilities from ages 11 to 16.
The young people who attend the college are between the ages of 11-16 years and have Social, Emotional, Mental Health (SEMH) issues. They are also at risk of exclusion due to their challenging behaviour or may have an Educational Health Care Plan.
The college, which opened in April 2005, is purpose built and comprises two units. The units include: • a large catering kitchen which also acts as a work placement for young people to develop independent living skills • a dining area, fully equipped gym, 4 multi-function rooms, 11 classrooms, a nurture unit, food technology kitchen and an Art studio.
The college also has a Vocational Training Centre based half a mile from the college where pupils are offered a range of vocational activities including woodwork, construction horticulture and motor vehicle. In addition, the college leases five allotments from the local authority where vegetables are grown.
South Park College’s First Aid Policy is available to parents on request or via the school office.
"Staff are highly skilled at recognising pupils’ complex behavioural needs and work hard to remove the barriers which reduce pupils’ ability to learn. A new approach has resulted in rapid and sustained improvements in behaviour". OFSTED inspection, May 2018