Welcome to Unity College

Welcome from Unity College

A warm welcome to Unity College, an Independent Specialist School, which offers a nurturing environment for our students. All of our students are in the care of the local authority.

The college building offers a pleasant and spacious learning environment including specialist vocational learning spaces combined with designated teaching rooms.


“A route to a fulfilling future”
Unity College aims to provide a nurturing environment with a therapeutic approach which enables pupils to become emotionally available for learning. We also aim to engage pupils in a relevant, accessible and appropriately challenging curriculum which meets their individual needs at all levels.

What sets us apart from other schools

The college follows a therapeutic model offering a safe, secure and friendly environment for pupils. The college, as part of the Keys Group, provides placements for pupils who reside in nearby Keys Group homes. In order to meet the diverse needs of the young people at Unity College we ensure that the staff to pupil ratio is high, with typically a class comprising of no more than 4 pupils. Each class is staffed by at least one teacher and an educational support worker (ESW).


Unity College supports the educational needs of pupils aged 11-18 years with social, emotional and mental health difficulties (SEMH) who need a smaller, more nurturing educational placement in order to succeed academically.

Areas of expertise

Every young person has individual education targets relating to both academic and behavioural achievements. Unity College has a new satellite site co- located with one of the residential homes which is suited to those pupils who need early developmental experiences in an educational setting.

Pupils will be integrated into the main site when they reach certain milestones which suggest they are able to cope with the secondary model. This is informed by various indicators we have at our disposal (e.g. BERRI, Boxall, positive behaviour support system).


Unity College’s First Aid Policy is available to parents on request or via the school office.

"I really appreciate the support you are providing for me and my foster son. I have been fostering for seven years and have dealt with many schools. The support you provide is second to none. Every other school has given up on him but Unity College are going that extra mile to support his ever changing needs." FOSTER CARER