Welcome to Westfield House

Jo Murray

Welcome from the Head Teacher

I am pleased and proud to welcome you to Westfield House school. We are a small school which effectively supports children through their educational journey. Our students may have previously experienced significant and prolonged periods of disengagement and/or disaffection in their education. This may have impacted negatively upon their previous levels of achievement and motivation to succeed at school.

We are committed to making sure that all students learn and are engaged in a meaningful and worthwhile education, which provides them with the means to enjoy achievement, success, and increased independence. I have an amazing, resourceful and dedicated team of staff who work with everyone to ensure that school becomes a place that children want to be at.


Our key focus is on promoting self confidence, developing independence, providing firm, fair & consistent boundaries, supporting effective & meaningful communication.

We aim to support each individual to achieve their aspirations both academically and socially. The students are at the centre of all of the schools plans and decisions

What sets us apart from other schools

Our school offer a personalised curriculum for both girl and boy students aged between 10 and 18 and are registered for up to 80 pupils. Our school compromises of KS1,2,3,4 classes allowing students to learn in an appropriate aged environment.

Our school offers classroom based academic lessons in the morning with Kinaesthetic learning in the afternoon within our diverse afternoon curriculum.


Westfield House School caters for boys and girls aged between 10 and 18 with SEMH. Our students all have an EHCP.

Areas of expertise

At Westfield we provide a fully individualised bespoke curriculum that combines flexibility, adaptability, and reasonable challenge. We offer access to the National Curriculum, which is suitably adapted to meet the learning needs of individual students. We pride ourselves in enabling students to achieve a range of qualifications and accreditations, as well as vocational learning opportunities.

Staff consistently maintain the safety and welfare of all our students, and we work in partnership with parents and carers to ensure consistent, effective, and meaningful communication and collaboration.


Westfield House School’s First Aid Policy is available to parents on request or via the school office.

"The highly effective leadership of the headteacher and senior leaders ensures that pupils receive good teaching and a curriculum matched well to their learning needs and interests" Ofsted

"Parents are overwhelmingly supportive of the school’s work. They appreciate the quality of education and care that the school provides for their children." Ofsted